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Huanzala Pyrite

Artist, Paul W. Ramsey, Title, Huanzala Pyrite, 2020, Digital photograph, 20 x 20 in.

Location: Level 2, near Science HelpDesk


Pyrite (FeS2)
Huanzala Mine, Huallanca District, Bolognesi Province, Áncash, Peru.
Specimen size: 3 X 3 cm

Octahedral Pyrite with a single, tiny, black Galena crystal on one of the faces. These crystals are somewhat unusual due to their octahedral form. Pyrite typically occurs as dodecahedra, and less often in cubes. Octahedra, dodecahedra, and cubes all belong to the isometric crystal system. “Isometric” literally means “one measure” and refers to shapes like cubes, whose faces are the same distance from the center of the crystal.

Paul studied geology at BYU, and worked as a geologist and educator. He is now retired and investigates geology through the lens of a camera. He lives with his wife in Utah.