Mormon-Moroni Panel
Avard T. Fairbanks, Mormon-Moroni Panel, 1961, Bas relief stone, 128 1/4 x 91 1/2 in.
Location: Level 3, Central Lobby, Northeast Study Area

Bas relief carved in pink Minnesota granite depicting Mormon entrusting the plates containing the Book of Mormon to his son Moroni.
“The panel of Mormon and Moroni, a companion piece to the Lehi and Nephi panel, is erected by the side of the main entrance to the library at Brigham Young University. It represents the two most prominent personalities at the close of the Book of Mormon. Many ancient records had been collected by Mormon, and he had compiled an abridgement of many of these scriptures. Mormon is portrayed entrusting this record to his son Moroni. This abridgement. the Book of Mormon, was inscribed on plates of gold held together by rings. Besides being an historian, Mormon was also the religious and military leader of his people. He is therefores in a warrior’s dress, with breastplate and helmet. On the breastplate, the sun is symbolic of eternal life and the celestial degree of glory, while the three vertical bars symbolize the three members of the Godhead. In the background is the Hill Cumorah, where the records were concealed by Moroni. Similar to the companion piece, the trees and the lettering are conventionalized to correspond to the style of ancient Central American decorative design.”
Publications: A Sculptor’s Testimony in Bronze and Stone: Sacred Sculpture of Avard T. Fairbanks / Eugene F. Fairbanks. Revised edition. Salt Lake City, Utah : Publisher’s Press, 1994, page 66-67.