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Collective Exhibition

Touch Our Eyes (that we may see)

September 13, 2021 – January 13, 2022

Auditorium Gallery, level 1

Pause. Observe the creations around you. Have you ever considered their origins? We are surrounded by creations such as architecture, music, functional objects, and art. All of these creations were first formulated in someone’s mind. But these ideas did not come from thin air, they were born of inspiration. Where do we get inspiration?

Inspiration is like breathing; our minds inhale the experiences and creations around us and store them for future use. Eventually we exhale these past references, but in new forms – remixes of the creations that inspired us. As you interact with this exhibit, consider the creations that have been inspirational to you. How would it impact you if those ideas were illegal to use in your creative process? Consider where humanity would be today if the current stringent legislation regarding innovation had always been in effect.

Finally, contemplate how your creations can be an inspiration to others along the path of ingenuity. As the cinematographer Jean-Luc Godard said, “It’s not where you take things from — it’s where you take them to.” I hope that we can emulate this spirit of creativity and continue to build a better and more inspiring world for all.

Cole Melanson is a graphic designer, tie-dyer, amateur film photographer, and a kinetic mobile sculptor. He is a graduate from the BFA Graphic Design Program at Brigham Young University. Inspiration’s Trace was his Capstone Project. He enjoys learning new mediums, solving problems and communicating experiences through design thinking. He is passionate about making the connections between daily life and design.

