Collin White
January 14, 2019 – February 28, 2019
Gallery on Five, level 5
Ours is personal work by Collin Edward White, a Studio Art BFA candidate at Brigham Young University.
White uses Google Image Search results as visual data to examine our relationships to various topics. OURSELVES, OUR LEADER, OUR WANTS, and OUR DISASTERS are combinations of the top ten Google Image search results of 2018 for individual search terms. The search terms used in these works are “person”, “idiot”, “want”, and “disaster” respectively. The images from Google have not been altered; the artwork is made by overlaying the images.
OUR QUERIES combines results from “Facebook”, “YouTube”, “Google”, “You”, and “Weather”. These are the five most googled terms of 2018 in the United States. The top two results of each of these five search terms has been used.
To see additional pieces from this body of work, to contact the artist, or to see other art by Collin, visit collinwhite.com