Michael Sharp
February 13, 2015 – June 30, 2015
Terrazzo Wall, Level 3 Central
This artist book is now part of the HBLL permanent collection and is located in Special Collections
BYU copy is no. 2/15, signed by the artist. “Printed letterpress on Arches Text Wove using a Vandercook SP 15.”–Colophon.
“April 15, 1981, as the miners arrived for the evening shift and descended into the mine, disaster struck up Coal Canyon outside of Redstone Colorado. The Redstone Mines had been in operation since the turn of the century, known for the particularly high grade of coal and the coking ovens that stand at the base of the canyon. At approximately 4:15 pm, an explosion caused by a buildup of methane gases went off deep within the Dutch Creek No. 1 Mine. 7,200 feet into the mountain, 15 miners lost their lives in the worst mine disaster Colorado had seen since 1942. After three days the bodies were finally recovered and returned to the surface. This tragedy shook the surrounding mountain communities, and continues to affect the families and friends of those who were lost that day. Memorials stand in Redstone, El Jebel, and Carbondale, Colorado.”