Ben Crowder
Sacred Shapes
January 14, 2020 – January 20, 2021
Atrium Gallery, level 1
Artist Statement
Over the past ten years, I’ve been exploring religious principles and stories in my art, trying to find the essence of each. The representations here aren’t the only way to do this, of course, but I find that limiting myself to these simple shapes—circles, triangles, and rectangles, for the most part—and trying to imbue them with the glory of God’s plan of happiness and the Restoration of the gospel has been a fulfilling challenge. This type of art admittedly isn’t to everyone’s taste, but it’s my hope that some of you will be able to relate to the pieces and, through the Spirit, to find your faith strengthened in some small way.
Ben Crowder is a human. He makes art, mostly religious in nature and usually more on the minimalist side of things. He makes other things, too: once upon a time he founded the magazine Mormon Artist, he also founded the Mormon Texts Project, and nowadays he publishes various editions of the scriptures (wide margin editions, reader’s editions, etc.). By day he toils as a software engineer at the BYU library. He lives in Utah with his wife and children and zero pets but a whole lot of books. This is his first exhibition. His website: bencrowder.net