Exhibitor Information Application Homepage
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Art in the Library
Exhibitor Information
Exhibition Application
Name *
Phone Number *
Email *
Street Address
City, State, Zip
Other Participants (optional)
Exhibition Title *
(Number, medium, and approximate size of works)
Purpose of Exhibition *
Student Show
BFA Show
MFA Student Show
Class Project
Group Project
Visiting Artist
Location of Exhibition *
Auditorium Gallery, Level 1
Atrium Gallery, Level 1
Gallery on 5, Level 5
Other Location
If you selected "Other" in the previous field, it must be approved by the Art in the Library Team.
Exhibition Dates
Write in proposed month and year. Exact installation and deinstallation dates will be scheduled after approval by the Art in the Library Team.
Opening Date (MM/YYYY)
Closing Date (MM/YYYY)
Special Set-up Needs (optional)
(Pedestals, computer monitors, display cases, etc.)
Sample Digital Images of Work to be Exhibited
Please upload at least one sample image of your work (in a standard image file format or a pdf)
. If you upload multiple photos, please indicate in the text field below which one you would like to be your poster image.
Biographical Sketch
Education and exhibition background (one paragraph for press release and website)
Artist Statement
Statement regarding this exhibition (one paragraph for press release, website, and poster/or vinyl in gallery space)
Exhibition Checklist (for title cards)
Title, date, medium for each work. These may be submitted later.
Please Read
Please Read
The BYU Harold B. Lee Library does not insure art exhibitions and is not responsible for artworks temporarily on exhibit in the building. The Library is not liable for any damage, theft, or injury related to art exhibitions in the building, or while artworks are in transit to and from the building.
Agreement to Terms
I have read the information above and agree with the terms described.
Digital Signature *
Please write your name
After clicking the "Submit Application" button below, your application will be sent to the
Art in the Library Program Team
for review and approval. You will be notified of the decision by email. Please contact Cassandra Belliston, cassandra_belliston@byu.edu, if you have any questions.
Thank you!